When someone transitions to a role with lower permission levelsin Planning Center, you want to cover all your bases and ensure teams have the right leaders in place, automations remain active, and the systems you set up continue to work. Review the person's access in each product before their permissions are removed to ensure nothing falls through the cracks.
If the person transitioning out of their role has access to any login information for a Planning Center integrationplatform, make sure you get access to that login information, especially Stripeand Checkr.
You can see the products the person can access from their People profile.
From the Actions dropdown, select Permissions.
While you're in People, you can only update a person's People permissions, but you can also see which products need to be addressed by reviewing the permissions in this box.
You can only add or remove organization administrators in Accounts. If you remove someone as an organization administrator who had permissions in a product being promoted to organization administrator, you still need to remove their permissions in every other product.
If you make a person inactive, their access to all products is revoked, but they may still be assigned to some features in the product. Before making them inactive, follow the steps in the corresponding products below.
Before removing someone's administrative permissions, ask them to give another administrator access to their lists, workflows, note categories, and custom fields.
When a list is created, only the person who made it can access it unless they give access to others. They can find all lists that are visible to them under My lists.
Once they've selected a list, they can see their level of access to it and any other collaborators under the list's Settingstab.
If they are the only collaborator on the list with Managepermission, they can select the Add collaboratordropdown and choose a group of permissions or a specific person with Managepermission.
Organization administrators will see lists without a manager under the Unassigned liststab.
Select a list to add yourself as a manager.
When a workflow is created, only the person who made it has access until they share it with others. Before you remove someone's permissions, they should review all of their workflows from the Workflows page.
By selecting a workflow from the list, they'll see if it should be shared with someone else. If their name is the only one listed in the Collaborators section, they can select the Add collaboratordropdown and choose a group of permissions or a specific person with the Manage permission.
Make sure they select Manage workflowfor at least one other collaborator or group of permissions.
If the person is assigned to any steps, ask them to reassign them. If a step is left without an assignee, the step shows an error, and an assignee must be added when someone is added to the step in the workflow.
Unassigned workflows
Organization administrators will see all workflows without a manager under the Unassigned workflowstab.
Select a workflow to add yourself as a manager.
You can see an automation's current owner in the bottom right corner of each automation.
If the creator of an automation is inactivated or their permissions are changed, any automation they had set up will no longer run. You can delete their automation and create a new one, or you can reassign it to yourself so that it continues to run.
Profile note categories assigned to only one person are removed when that person no longer has permissions. The notes will remain on the profiles, and if permissions are restored, that person will see those notes again. Before removing someone's permissions, make sure they add other collaborators to the category to ensure notes remain visible after a staff transition.
If only one name is listed in the Collaborators section, they can select the Add collaboratordropdown and choose a group of permissions or a specific person.
When permissions are removed for the creator of a custom tab, the tab will default to give All viewers and aboveaccess. If the tab's contents should be kept private, make sure the creator adds another individual collaborator before their permissions are removed.
If only one name is listed in the Collaborators section, they can select the Add collaboratordropdown and choose a group of permissions or another person.
Before removing an administrator's permissions, transfer ownership of their events to someone else in the organization.
Filterto the event owner who is leaving their role.
Use the bulk actionon the table calendar page to add a new owner to these events.
For Check-Ins, you may need to remove a station connected to their device and change their check-in type so they're not automatically listed as a volunteer the next time they check in.
Delete a device station from the Stations page by choosing the station and selecting Delete.
If the person knows any station keys, delete or update those.
If there is only one Giving administrator, add a new administrator before removing permissions.
If you make the sole Giving administrator inactive, an organization administrator must unsubscribe and resubscribe to Giving and add another Giving administrator.
From a person's profile in Groups, view and edit their permission level to None.
Check the groups they're in by filtering to "Leader" on the People page. If they are the sole group leader of a group that needs a new leader, add a new leader to that group.
The main things to check in Registrations are contributors, support contacts, and subscribers.
An event can exist without a contributor or subscribers, but the support contact is required.
Check contributors on the Abouttab of the event's Configuration page.
Check the support contact and subscribers from the Settingstab of the Configuration page.
The two main things to check in Services are team leaders and the person set to receive replies.
For any team they lead, you want to ensure there is another leader or assign a new one.
Go to the person's profile and select the team name where Leaderis tagged.
Hover over the name and select the red ⊖ to remove them as a leader.
If this person is the last team leader, select Add personto add a new team leader so the team members don't slip through the cracks!