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New: See More Search Results

Do you know about our beloved 🔍? It's in the top right corner (near the beloved ? that lets you quickly access documentation and support) and it lets you search your people database by name, email, phone, or mailing address! (Pro tip: you can open it up from nearly every People page with the / key.)

It shows you the top eight results that match your query, based on what is most matchiest (a word I just made up but you totally know what I mean, right?) However, if there are more than eight results, how would you know??

That question is now answered! If there are more than eight results, there is now a "See all results" link at the bottom! Click it, and you're taken to the people index, with that same search already applied.


Another small tweak, but hopefully helpful!

Happy searching!


~ The People Team ~

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