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Create a Report from a List

You can print a list in a variety of ways using reports. Choose any of our built-in reports or create your own custom report.

From the Results tab, Managers can click the printer icon to see options for creating reports of the list.


Choose the type of report you want to generate, and download the report as a PDF file, which is great for printing, or HTML, which loads it in your web browser.

If you'd like a report to print in landscape format, choose the HTML option, then use your browser's print function and choose landscape there.


Report too big?

Some reports have a lot of information and are not able to be exported; they will time out. If your report times out, you can print to HTML, which gives you a webpage of results. You can print or export as a PDF from your webpage.

Create a Custom Report (Advanced)

If you decide to create a custom report, you need to have knowledge of how to use the following three technologies:

  1. HTML - The basic building block of all web pages. HTML provides the structure for your document.

  2. CSS - The standard way to style all web pages.

  3. Liquid Markup - A minimal programming language created by Shopify to provide content to your report based on custom data.

If you feel comfortable using those technologies, click edit reports to be taken to a list of Custom Reports.


Click the report name to view or edit it, or click New Report to create a new one from scratch or based on a pre-built custom report.


Make any edits to the code to create the report you want, and the Live Preview will update as you make changes.

The Live Preview shows results based on the list you viewed last. To see results based on a specific list, search it.


To help you know what fields (tags) are available in your report, the sidebar groups them into headings. Click a heading to expand the specific tags within that heading, and then click a tag to insert it into your report. A tag can be a single field or an entire block of code to loop through all fields in a particular object.


Deleted reports cannot be recovered.

Access Custom Fields

You can get to the data in your custom fields in two ways:

Loop Through All Tabs
          {% for tab in person.tabs %}
  <div class="tab">
    <div class="tab-title">{{ tab.name }}</div>
    {% for field in tab.fields %}
      <div class="questions">
          <div class="answer">
            <strong>{{ field.name }}</strong>
            <span> {{ field.value }}</span>
    {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
Directly Access a Tab

For example, if you have a tab named "Emergency Info" with a field named "Emergency Contact", you could access it directly with:


Sort People

You can sort the people in your report using the "sort" filter.

        {% assign sorted_people = people | sort: 'gender' %}
{% for person in sorted_people %}
  <td class="name">{{person.name}}</td>
{% endfor %}

If you are sorting by name, you will want to use a case insensitive sort:

        {% assign sorted_people = people | sort_natural: 'last_name' % }

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