Campuses are created in Accounts and used in multiple places through Planning Center. You can assign people to a campus from their profile, or you can use lists and bulk actions to assign multiple people to a campus.
To avoid cluttering up the People page with unnecessary country codes, the phone number formatting will take into account your church’s country setting and the country setting of the campus that a profile has been assigned to.
From a person's profile, select dropdown to choose a campus for this person.
If you don't see the campus option, your church only has one campus set up. An Organization Administrator can add campuses.
Use the bulk update tool to set the campus for a group of people at once.
Search for the people you'd like to update, by typing their names or by using a list, and add them to the list below then use the dropdowns to select Set Campus then choose the campus.
Select Update x people to save the changes.
If your church uses Check-Ins or Services, which both use campuses, use lists and automations to set someone's campus field based on their activity in your church.
Create a list with rules to pull out people who serve at the campus and who have checked in to the location associated with that campus.
Submit the list, and then go to the automations tab to add a campus to the people on this list every time the list is refreshed.