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Utilize the Dashboard

The People Dashboard allows you to see information about your church at a glance. Use the dashboard to view demographics, membership status, new profiles, and much more!

From the Dashboard, you can view the Overview, all Notes, or Background Checks from the appropriate tab.


The Overview gives quick information about demographics, membership, profiles, and workflows.

  1. The Demographics breaks down the people in your account based on age and gender.

  2. The membership status shows the total number of people in your account based on the top seven membership types.

  3. The campuses graph shows the total number of people in your account based on the campus set on their profile.

Scroll down the page to see more information.

  1. View the most recently created profiles as well as when they were created and by whom. Create new people by selecting New Profile.

  2. If you're assigned to any workflow cards, you'll see them as well as the workflow they're in. Select the name to be taken directly to the card.

  3. If there are any duplicates to merge, merge them by selecting the name or by selecting View Duplicates.


The Metrics tab gives you an overview about your data at a glance.


Profile Notes

The Notes tab houses all your created notes.


Use the filter to view different types of notes.

Background Checks

The Background Checks tab shows the status of all background checks and allows you to view whose background check has not cleared.

  1. Adjust the background check expiration policy to the number of months necessary to re-run a background check, and add specific Admins who can view the background checks.

  2. Add a background check from Checkr.

  3. Select a name to be taken to their profile.

To keep your Dashboard up to date, follow the steps to manage your membership.

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