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List Settings

List settings allow you to share your list, add it to a category, and ensure it refreshes automatically if needed.

  1. Share the list with a specific person or everyone with a certain permission level in People.

  2. Assign this list to a campus or category to filter it in the main list.

  3. Refresh the results of your list at your chosen frequency. Auto-refresh is particularly helpful for automations and workflows.

  4. Sync this list to MailChimp, which will attach a tag to people with the same name in this list.


Share a list you've created with others and allow them to view or manage the results. List managers can update the list's settings but not remove the original list creator.


To completely remove a list creator's access, duplicate any conditions they've created, then delete their conditions. You can then remove the person's permissions in People, which will terminate their access to all lists.

There are two levels of access for list collaborators.

  1. View only permission gives you access to the results, automations, and settings, but you can't change the rules.

  2. Manage permission allows you to add and remove conditions on shared lists.

If you're a list manager, you can see who created the conditions and add your own from the Rules tab.

  1. You cannot edit a rule or condition made by another person. However, you can duplicate another person's rule or condition and then delete the original to change pre-existing rules or conditions.

  2. If you don't have permissions in a product, you can see list results concerning that product, but you can't add new rules or edit existing rules.

Unassigned Lists

If a list has been abandoned, meaning it doesn't have a manager, it will appear under the Unassigned list tab if you have View only access.


The first person with View only permissions to access a list without managers can add manage permissions for themselves. 



A list is deleted once permissions are removed for the last person with view only or manage access to the list.

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