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Transitioning to Planning Center People

To help your church transition to Planning Center People, we have tips on some best practices for two areas: maintaining security through permissions and using lists to find similar people.


The first thing you need to do when you transition to Planning Center People is to import data into People. Once you've imported data, you can use these two features.

Maintain Security

We take specific steps to make sure your data is secure.

In order for you to keep your data secure, you need to set up the appropriate permissions for your staff and volunteer team members. There are different levels of permissions throughout Planning Center People:

  • Overall permissions: Someone with access to People will have one of three permissions, Manager, Editor, and Viewer. Even if someone is an Editor or Viewer, they may not have the same enablements to communicate via lists or create forms or workflows.

  • Background checks: in order to access background checks as an Editor or Viewer, you need to be given specific access.

  • Note categories: not all notes are accessible.

  • Lists , Workflows , and Forms: each of these has its own permissions.

  • Custom Field Tabs: Each tab can have its own accessibility, set according to permission or person.

As you give more people access to Planning Center People, make sure you're checking their access according to the levels of permissions listed above.


Planning Center People is not designed to be used as a church directory, and the general congregation members should not have access to it.

Find Similar People with Lists

Lists are a powerful tool. Set the parameters of who you want to find, which allows you to create many lists. Here are a couple of uses for lists:

  • Follow up with people who have not attended in a certain amount of time

  • First time guests

  • Birthdays

  • Assign a group of people to a team member based on age or location.


As you encounter issues, check out our People help articles or email us with specifics.

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